Immigration Evaluation Coaching
Welcome to the immigration evaluation world!
No matter how many years you have been in clinical practice, if you are venturing into the immigration evaluation journey, there WILL be questions you will have about this type of work as performing this type of work varies in nature from other clinical interventions you may have mastered. A coaching session or series of sessions can help you feel more knowledgeable and confident about the best way to approach this journey.
How can this coaching opportunity benefit me?
- By better understanding your responsibilities as an immigration clinical evaluator
- By becoming familiar with some of the most relevant immigration jargon
- By gaining clarity about the main types of immigration cases you will be working with as an immigration clinical evaluator
- By increasing your level of understanding about marketing approaches
- By increasing your confidence in setting your immigration evaluation fee schedule/rates
- By increasing your level of confidence about how to organize an immigration evaluation session
- By gaining knowledge around informed consent templating
- By gaining knowledge around evaluation templating
- By gaining knowledge about the most utilized supporting screening tools to accompany your evaluations
- By gaining knowledge about the immigration system’s procedures/expectations
- By differentiating between past therapeutic relationships and the relationship/boundaries/ethical practices to be established through this work
- By understanding the intricacies of working with a new and unique population and therefore learning to adapt irrelevant clinical expectations
- By learning to balance pro-bono and fee for service work
- By feeling more equipped to hit the GO button!
What this coaching opportunity is NOT:
- A subscription to a referral source
- Legal advice
- Clinical supervision
- A guarantee about your evaluations being approved by USCIS
- A way to have your coach physically develop your templates during a coaching session
- A promise to cover all items in one session
****Covering all 14 items can take between 8-12 one-hour sessions depending on how many additional questions you may have. If you are clear about which item you would like to address you may book 1 coaching session at a time and take it from there based on your needs***
Book an Appointment
To book an appointment please fill out the below contact note. We will be in touch with you within 24-48 hours (excluding weekends and/or holidays).